

Thursday, June 19, 2014

how to make Compensation Management Questionnaire (sojib)

The Survey
Organizational Policy

Staff and Sours
       Number of employees? __________________
       How many hours per week do your employees normally work? _________________
        How much time allotted for lunch? ________________
        How many breaks? ____________ How much time allotted for them? ___________
Do you have a 4-day work week? YES ________ NO __________
Do any of you employees work on shifts? YES _______ NO _________
If YES, answer bellow
Shift                                        Shift Hours                                   %Premium Pay

Evening (2ND)                            ___________________                  ___________________
Late Night (3rd)                       ____________________                 ___________________
Other                                       ____________________                 ___________________


Do you have any from of Flextime (allowing employees to choose working hours)?
YES ________ NO ________ If YES, please describe

______________ _________________________________________________________

Salary Payment Policies

If your standard number of hours worked per week is then 40, do you pay overtime for hours in excess of the normal works week but less then 40? YES _______ NO ________
If certain groups within the organization have less then a 40-hours work week, Please list them.

Group                                                             Hours

_____________________                               ______________________
_____________________                               ______________________
_____________________                               ______________________

What is the overtime rate for individuals required to work on regularly scheduled holiday?
                 1 ½ times normal pay __________ other __________

Have you paid a bonus or made a supplemental salary payment at any time within the past 12 months?

YES _________ NO ____________ If YES date of last one _________
                                                           Approximate % of Salary ________
Please identify occupational groups receiving bonuses.

Have you granted any general across the board adjustments in salary within the past 24 months?
YES _________ NO ___________ If YES

            Data                                                         Approximant % Adjustment

      1. ________________                                  ____________________________
      2. ________________                                  ____________________________

Are they linked to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index?
YES _________ NO ___________ If linked to any other price index, please Indicate        ____________________

Starting Salaries – High School Graduates

    What is your average starting salary for a high school graduate with no work experience who can’t type or task shorthand? $ _________
    What is your average starting salary for a high school graduate with no work experience who can type 50-60 words per minute accurately? $_____________
    What is your average starting salary for a high school graduate with no work experience who can type 50-60 words per minute and task shorthand 80-90 wpm? $______________

Starting salaries – Communication College – Technical School Graduates

    What is your average starting salary for a technical school graduate who has a usable technical skill? $_______________
    What is your average starting salary for a community college graduate with an Associate Degree pursuing a non technical occupation in your firm? $____________

Starting Salaries – College Graduates
    What is your average starting salary for a college graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Accounting. Finance Economics Management, etc, pursuing a non technical occupation in your firm? $_____________
   What is your average starting salary for a college student with a Bachelor’s in Engineering, Mathematics Statistics, etc, pursuing a technical occupation in your firm? $____________           

Employment Policies
  Do you pay employment agency fees for non college graduates? YES _____ NO_____
If YES: Do you pay fee at time of employment? YES _______ NO ______
If NO: When? _________
Do you require that aptitude tests be passed prior to employment? YES _____NO______

Employee Benefits

Paid Vacation
     What paid vacations are allowed?
Years Service                                                  Weeks of Vacations Allowed
            (Inclusive)               Nonexempt                      Exempt                       Executive
                    0 - 1                 ______________            _____________          ____________
                    1 - 4                 ______________            _____________          ____________
                    5 – 9                ______________            _____________          ____________
                   10 – 15             ______________            _____________          ____________
                    Other               ______________            _____________          ____________

Can unused vacation time be carried over to the following Year? YES ______NO ______
If YES: how many days? ________

Paid Holidays

How many paid holidays do you grant? ___________________

Christmas Day                      ______________     Independence Day    _______________
New Year’s Day                   ______________     Labor Day                 _______________
Presidents Day                      ______________    Columbus Day           _______________
Marin Luther King, Jr. Day  ______________    Veteran’s Day            _______________
Good Friday                          ______________    Thanksgiving Day     _______________
Memorial Day                       ______________    Employee’s Birthday _______________

Sick Leave

Do you have an official sick leave plan? YES ________ NO _________
How many days of sick leave do you grant per year? ________
Do you have a waiting period before an employee is eligible for sick leave?
YES _______ NO _______
Do you have a lifetime maximum number of sick leave days an employee can take?
YES ________ NO ________
Do you have a plan that permits the employee to convert sick leave to other uses?
YES _______ NO _______
If YES, cheek the application conversion:

Case ________ Carryover to future years _________
Vacation _______ Credit at retirement ________

Other Leaves

Do you grant leave with pay for any of the flowing reasons?

Reason                            Number of Days              Reason                Number of Day

Jury Duty                      _________________                 Death in Family        ________________
Marriage                        _________________      Dental Appointment ________________
Graduation Exercises   _________________      Other                        ________________
Family Illness               _________________
Thrift Plan or 401 (K) Matching Plain
       Do you have thrift or 401 (K) plan? YES ________ NO ________
       How much dose the employer contribute per $1.00 of employee contribution?
       (Please circle application amount) $0.25, $0.50, $0.75, $1.00, other (if other, list
        amount) __________

Credit Union
       Do you offer a credit union? YES ______ NO ______
       What interest do you pay on saving? _________
       What interest do you charge on loans? ________

Insurance Benefits

          Do you have a group hospitalization and/or surgical plan? YES _____ NO _______
          If YES: What percentage is paid by employer? ________%
          What is the monthly cost to employee? Single plan $ _________________
                                                                         Family plan $ _________________

         Is there a major medical addition to the regular insurance plan? YES ____ NO ____
         If YES, what is the one-time illness maximum? $ ___________
         At what amount “of out – of – pocket” employer cost per illness dose the major
         plan assume full responsible $ ______________
         Do you have a group dental plan? YES _______ NO ________
         If YES, what percentage is paid by employer? ____________%
         Do you have a group life insurance plan? YES _____ NO _______
         If YES, what percentage doses the employer pay? __________%
         Is amount of insurance made available as a multiple of annual salary? (Please circle
         appropriate fi 1.5, 5.0, 3.5, other (if other, list) __________
         Is YES, there a base to your insurance plan? YES _____ NO _____
         If YES, what is the base? $ ___________
         Is there a cap to your insurance plan? YES ______ NO ______
         If YES, what is the cap? $ ____________

Pension Plan

      Do you have a pension plan? YES _________ NO _________
      Dose it include all employee? YES ________ NO _________
          If NO: which groups are excluded? __________________________
          __________________________  ____________________________
      Is it integrated with Social Security? YES _______ NO _________
      How do you determine average salary for purpose? (Please circle your method)
            Salary of final 3 yrs, 5yrs. 10yrs, career average, other (if other, please describe)
      Is it a defined benefit plan? YES ______ NO _______
      If YES, what formula do you use for determining final pension benefits? 

      Which ERISA vesting plan are you using?
       What is your normal retirement age? (Please circle appropriate number)
            55, 60, 62, 65, other (if other, please state) _____________
        Do you have early retirement eligibility? YES __________ NO ___________
        If YES, how do you determine? (Please circle appropriate method)
             Age, Service, Age and service, other (if other, please describe) ______________


Have you provided a pension plan supplement for retirees in the past five year?
YES ________ NO _________
Do you provide death benefits for retirees? YES _______ NO _________
Do the retirees contribute to the death benefit premiums? YES ____ NO _____

                  Do you provide a cafeteria service for your employee? YES _____ NO _____
                  If YES do you subsidize the operation? YES ______ NO ________
                  If YES, % subsidization _______%
                  Do you provide parking for all employees or subsidize parking fees?
                  YES ______ NO _______
                  If subsidized, approximate cost per employee $ ____________
                  Do you have a labor union among your non clerical employees?
                  YES ______   NO ______
                  Do you have an educational reimbursement plan? YES ____ NO _____
                  If YES, for what programs (circle appropriate Programs) High School,
                  Undergraduate, Graduate, Vocational 50%, 75%, 100%, other (if other, please
                  list) _______%
                  Do you provide day care facilities? YES _______ NO _______

            Merit Review Plan
                  Do you have a merit rating plan for executives? YES ______ NO _______
                  Briefly describe: _________________________________________________
                  Do you have a merit rating plan for non executives? YES _____ NO _____
                  Briefly describe: _________________________________________________

Job Data
         Our job Title ___________________           Other possible Titles _______________
         Job Code       ___________________                                            _______________  
         Thumbnail Job Description:                               
         Special Notes: This section of the form must be completed by the surveying
         organization prior to printing of the from. (See text material on Job Data, for



          Job title:       ______________
          Job Code:     ______________
          Minimum Pay: ____________ (or entry – level hiring rate)
          Maximum Pay: ____________ (or maximum longevity rate)
          Please indication on each line the number of employees receiving the particular
          rate of pay and indicate the rate un applicable column.


Number of Employees
Average Year on this Job

                                                1 = poor fit                              4 = considerable fit
                                                2 = slight fit                            5 = identical fit
                                                3 = moderate fit


Job Title _______________________           Job code ___________________________
Job Summary:

Reporting Data
    Number of firms                                                     ____________________
    Number of employees                                             ____________________
    Average pay reported                                             ____________________

Actual pay Data
     Number of firms                                                    ____________________
     Lowest reported pay rate                                       ____________________
     First quartile pays rate                                            ____________________
     Median pay rate                                                     ____________________
     Highest reported pay rate                                      ____________________
Range Data Reported
      Number of firms reporting                                    ____________________
      Lowest reported pay range                                   ____________________
      Median reported pay rang                                     ____________________
      Median reported of the median of the ranges      ____________________
      Highest reported pay range                                   ____________________

Ranking of Reported pay
Pay shown below is rank – ordered from low to high. If the first value begins at “0,” the list is in deciles. If the first value begins at “1,” the are actual pay. (Deciles were used when more then 25 individual pay rates were reported)

0 ____________
1 ____________         6 _____________       11 ____________       16 _____________    
2 ____________         7 _____________       12 ____________       17 _____________
3 ____________         8 _____________       13 ____________       18 _____________
4 ____________         9 _____________       14 ____________       19 _____________
5 ____________       10 _____________       15 ____________       20 _____________

21 ___________
22 ___________
23 ___________
24 ___________
25 ___________

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