Topic Name:-
Training &
Development of International Manager
Title: International Human Resource Management
Code: HRM612
Submitted To:
Prof. Dr. M. Ataur Rahman
Course Teacher
Manarat International University
Date: 20/03/2013
International training and management development are
always closely associated in the management. Training aims to improve current
work skills and behaviour, whereas development aims to increase abilities in
relation to some future position or job, usually a managerial one. A truly
global manager needs a set of context specific abilities, such as industry specific
knowledge, and a core of certain characteristics, such as cultural sensitivity,
ability to handle responsibility, ability to develop subordinates and ability
to exhibit and demonstrate. These characteristics and skills are considered as
important international competencies and all can be developed through effective
international training and management development.
of Training of International Manager
A planned and
systematic effort to modify or develop knowledge/skill/attitude through
learning experience, to achieve effective performance in an activity or range
of activities. Its purpose, in the work situation, is to enable an international
manager to acquire abilities in order that he or she can perform adequately a
given task or job and realize their potential. Training is the act of
increasing the knowledge and skill of an international manager for doing a
particular job. Training refers to the methods used to give new or present international
manager the skills they need to perform their job.
of International Manager
Development is best described as the process from which international
managers learn and improve their skills not only to benefit themselves but also
their employing organizations. In organizational development (OD), the effectiveness
of management
is recognized as one of the determinants of organizational success. Therefore,
investment in management development
can have a direct economic benefit to the organization. Development of
international managers by following process;
I. Planned Process
What needs to be done, therefore, is for the organization
to clearly define their criteria for success at international, managerial,
functional and personal levels and then select and develop potential
international managers against these. There are international competency models
that have been developed to help in the selection and assessment process, it is
essential that the one which is eventually used by the organization reflects
both the specific or various cultural needs of its markets and the organization’s
II. Avoiding Over Reaction
This assessment process should not be left until a
vacancy arises. It should be ongoing and one through which international managers
who are considered as high performers with international potential are
identified as early as possible in their careers and then given the appropriate
opportunities to develop their experience and skills in that direction. These
should include opportunities to develop their experience and skills in that
direction including the opportunity to regularly discuss their aspirations for
an international career and, if appropriate, their family's level of support.
III. Allow an Informed Decision
A further part of the process should be to give international
managers the opportunity, with their partners if this is appropriate, to attend
relevant country briefings and cross-cultural awareness workshops. This can
help them more fully appreciate the opportunities and challenges of an
international career and allow them to take an informed and objective view of
what they might be letting themselves in for. In this way, there can be a
process of self-selection which helps ensure that the people who eventually are
offered and accept an international assignment, and their families are fully
committed to it.
Favorable Conditions
A favorable climate for international manager is
created by these conditions--management support; goal setting; changes in HR
management policies; and announcement of the program.
Ø Management Support:
If development is to succeed, it must receive the complete support of top
management. Ideally, senior line managers and HR department managers should
work together to design and implement a career-development system. Managerial
personnel at all levels will then need to have training in the fundamentals of
job design, performance appraisal, counseling, and career planning.
Ø Goal Setting:
Before international manager can engage in meaningful career planning, they
must have a clear understanding of the organization's goals. Otherwise they may
plan for personal change and growth but not know if or how their own goals fit
those of organization. If international managers are to plan their futures, the
organization must also have a strategy. A definite plan is essential to support
individual career planning.
Ø Announcement of the Program:
The career development program should be announced widely throughout the
organization. The objectives and opportunities can be communicated in several ways,
including: publication in newsletters; inclusion in employee manuals; publication
of a special career guide or as part of career panning workshops; and
videotaped or live presentations. At a minimum, a book that spells out the
basic job families, career progression possibilities, and related requirements
should be given to each international managers.
Inventorying Job
Development usually involves many different types of
training experiences, the most important influences occur on the job. It is
there that the international manager is exposed to a wide variety of
experiences, and it is there that contributions are made to the organization. It
is important that the jobs in an organization be studied carefully to identify
and assign weights to the knowledge and skills that are required. This can be
achieved by using job analysis and evaluation systems such as those used in
compensation programs.
Employee Potential
Probably the most important phase of any development
program is that of determining the potential of international managers for
success in one or more career paths. These objectives may be achieved in
various ways. All of them, however, involve the participation of the employees
between Training & Development of International Manager
1. Definition
Training of international
manager means learning skills and knowledge for
doing a particular job and increase skills required for a job. Quite simply
training is an event, a seminar, a course, an elearning course.
Development refers
to the growth of an international manager in all respect. It is most concerned with
shaping the attitudes.
Training generally imparts specific skills to the international
manger and development is more general in nature & aim at overall growth of
the international manager. Training is job centered in nature and development is
career concerned in nature.
Training utilizes a systematic & organized
procedure by which non managerial personnel learn technical knowledge &
skills for a definitive purpose and development utilizes a systematic &
organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual &
theoretical knowledge for general purpose.
4. Perspective
is short term perspective and development is long term perspective.
Training specially
focuses on making the international manager learn about a new technology or new
advancements in his routine process where as development is done for the
enhancement of the personal qualities of
international manager. Training
mainly focuses on the current job on the other hand development focuses on
future jobs, developmental education programs, developmental job experiences
and developmental interpersonal relationships.
Training refers to instruction in technical
and mechanical problems on the other hand development refer to philosophical
and theoretical educational concepts.
Training is result of
initiatives taken by management; it is result of some outside motivation on the
other hand development is mostly the result of internal motivation.
of Training of International Manager
Faster Learning of New Skills
Training helps the international
managers to reduce the learning time of their employees and achieve higher
standards of performance. The employees need not waste time in learning by
observing other if a formal training program exists in the organization. The
qualifies international manager will help the new employees to acquire the
skills and knowledge to do particular jobs quickly.
Increased Productivity
Training increases the skill of the new international
manager in while performing a particular job. An increased skill level usually
helps in increasing both quantity and quality of output. Training can be of
great help even to the existing managers; It helps them to increase their level
of performance on their permit job assignments and prepares them for future
III. Standardization of Procedures
Training can help the standardization of operating
procedures, which can be learnt by the international
manager. Standardization of work procedure makes high levels of performance
rule rather than exception.
IV. Lesser Need for
a generalization it can be stated safety that trained international managers
need lesser supervision. Training does not eliminate the need for supervision
but it reduces the need for detailed and constant supervision.
Economy of Operations
Trained manager will be able to make better and economical
use of the materials and the equipments and reduce wastage. Also the trained international
managers reduce the rate of accidents and damage to machinery and equipment’s.
High Morale
The moral of employees is increased if they are
given proper training. A good attitude towards organizational activities
generates better cooperation and greater loyal with the help of
training. Complaints, turnover reduced among the employees.
Increasing Confidence
Training creates a feeling of confidence in the
minds of international managers, who feel comfortable while handling newer
challenge; It gives a feeling of safety and security to them at the work place.
Resilience to Change
Resilience to change in
fast changing times of today, training develops adaptability among workers, The international mangers feel
motivated to work under newer circumstances
and do not feel threatened to resist any change.
of Development of International Executive
Optimum Utilization of Human Resources
Development helps in
optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the international
executive to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.
II. Development of Human Resources
Development helps to
provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human
resources' technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the
international executive in attaining personal growth.
III. Development of Skills of Employees
helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of international executive at
each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall
personality of the international executive.
IV. Productivity
Development helps in increasing the productivity of the international
executives that helps the organization further to achieve its long term goal.
V. Team
helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inters team collaborations.
It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the international executive.
VI. Organization
helps to develop and improve the organizational health culture and
effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the
VII. Organization Climate
helps building the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The international
executive get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.
VIII. Healthy Work Environment
helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good
employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal.
IX. Profitability
and Development leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes
towards profit orientation.
Career Advancement
The international executive can develop their skills
to take up higher challenges and work in newer job dimensions such as exercise
leads to the career development of the employee, who can more up the corporate
hierarchy faster.
of Training of International Manager & Executive
To Improve Productivity: Training leads to increased
operational productivity and increased company profit.
To Improve Quality: Better trained international managers
are less likely to make operational mistakes.
To Improve Organizational Climate: Training leads to improved production
and product quality which enhances financial incentives. This in turn increases
the overall morale of the organization.
To Increase Health and Safety: Proper training prevents industrial
V. Personal Growth: Training gives international managers
a wider awareness, an enlarged skill base and that leads to enhanced personal
of Development of International Executive
Development activities are
planned on the basis of need and demand to enable international executives
to meet one or more of the following objectives:
- Upgrade or maintain proficiency in their current jobs.
- Learn new postal systems, procedures, or technologies.
- Acquire job related knowledge, skills, and abilities after selection for or assignment to a specific position or duty.
- Develop knowledge, skills, and abilities as part of a succession planning system.
- Obtain and enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities unrelated to their present duties in order to attain self determined goals or career objectives.
The principal objective of development division is to make sure the
availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization.
In addition to that, there are four other objectives: Individual,
Organizational, Functional, and Societal.
Individual Objectives
– help international executive in achieving their personal goals, which in
turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization.
Organizational Objectives –
assist the organization with its primary objective by bringing individual
Functional Objectives –
maintain the department’s contribution at a level suitable to the
organization’s needs.
Societal Objectives
– ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to the
needs and challenges of the society.
Model of Training & Development of International Manager
A. Instructional System Development Model (ISD) Model
Instructional System
Development model or ISD training model was made to
answer the training problems. This model is widely used now a days in the organization
for international managers because it is concerned with the training need on
the job performance. Training
objectives are defined on the basis of job
responsibilities and job description and on the basis of the defined
objectives international manager progress is measured. This model also helps
in determining and developing the favorable strategies, sequencing the
content, and delivering media for the types of training objectives to be
The Instructional System
Development model comprises of five stages
Analysis –
This phase consist of training need assessment, job analysis, and target
audience analysis.
2. Planning – This phase
consist of setting goal of the learning outcome, instructional objectives
that measures behavior of a participant after the training, types of training
material, media selection, methods of evaluating the trainee, trainer and the
training program, strategies to impart knowledge i.e. selection of content,
sequencing of content, etc.

Instructional System Development model
Development– This phase translates design decisions
into training material. It consists of developing course material for the
trainer including handouts, workbooks, visual aids, demonstration props, etc,
course material for the trainee including handouts of summary.
4. Execution – This
phase focuses on logistical arrangements, such as arranging speakers,
equipments, benches, podium, food facilities, cooling, lighting, parking, and
other training accessories.
Evaluation – The
purpose of this phase is to make sure that the training program has achieved its
aim in terms of subsequent work performance. This phase consists of identifying
strengths and weaknesses and making necessary amendments to any of the previous
stage in order to remedy or improve failure practices.
The ISD model
is a continuous process that lasts throughout the training
program. It also highlights that feedback is an important
phase throughout the entire training program. In this model, the output of one
phase is an input to the next phase.
B. Systematic Model Training
system model consists of five
phases and should be repeated on a regular basis to make further
improvements. The training should achieve the purpose of helping international
manager to perform their work to required standards. The steps involved in system
model of training are as follows:
1. Analyze
and Identify - the training
needs i.e. to analyze the department, job, employees requirement, who needs training, what do
they need to learn, estimating training cost, etc The next step is to develop
a performance measure on the basis of which actual performance would be evaluated.
Design and Provide Training
- to meet identified needs. This step requires developing objectives of training, identifying.
Fig: System model
Develop - This phase requires listing
the activities in the training
program that will assist the participants to learn, selecting delivery
method, examining the training material, validating information to be
imparted to make sure it accomplishes all the goals & objectives.
Implementing - is the hardest part of
the system because one wrong step can lead to the failure of whole training program.
Evaluating - each phase so as
to make sure it has achieved its aim in terms of subsequent work performance.
Making necessary amendments to any of the previous stage in order to remedy
or improve failure practices.
C. Transitional Model |
Mission – explain
the reason of international manager existence. It identifies the position in
the community. The reason of developing a mission statement is to motivate,
inspire, and inform the international manager regarding the organization. The
mission statement tells about the identity that how the organization would like
to be viewed by the customers, employees, and all other stakeholders.
Values – is
the translation of vision and mission
into communicable ideals. It reflects the deeply held values of the
organization and is independent of current industry environment. For example,
values may include social responsibility, excellent customer service, etc.

Fig: Transitional
The mission, vision, and values precede the objective in the inner loop. This model considers the international manager as a whole. The objective is formulated keeping these three things in mind and then the training model is further implemented.
of the Model In Bangladesh
I. Interpersonal Relationships
Organizational development works with international
manager individually and in groups to facilitate stronger interpersonal
relationships between team members in Bangladesh. The process of team building
and developing productive work groups is a significant part of the
organizational development process in Bangladesh. Improving international
manager relationships boosts morale and reduces employee turnover. It helps international
manager to better understand what is expected of them and supplies employees
the resources they need to be successful.
II. Adaptability
A company that uses the organizational development
model has developed an extensive network of contact and communication with all
employees. When the company needs to make changes to adapt to challenges in the
marketplace, the personal contact with managers makes adaptability easier. The
company has stable methods in place of communicating and implementing change
that make it better equipped to stay proactive in the marketplace in Bangladesh.
III. Administrative Challenges
Organizational development adds responsibility to
the managers to maintain open communication and constantly reevaluate the needs
of the organization in Bangladesh. Because organizational development tends to
add elements to the corporate structure, such as managing workplace diversity,
the formation of work groups to address issues and changes in the company's
strategic planning to meet the needs of the staff, it can be a challenge to
maintain an efficient organizational development program.
IV. Time Consuming
When a company engages in
organizational development, there are processes that can become time consuming
and slow its productivity. Surveying employees on the effectiveness of internal
processes, waiting for customer feedback on a marketing program before moving
forward with changes and evaluating logistics plans to improve shipping
efficiency are important to company growth, but they can also slow down the
company's ability to make changes and react to pressing issues.
of the Model
Ø The model requires a large number of non-professional
trainers capable of having training skills - and confidence in their
own training skills - developed in a
relatively short training session.
Ø Requires detailed development of trainer's manuals, lesson plans and
presentation resources.
Ø Non-professional
trainers may not be able to make effective training
use of group activities.
Ø May be difficult to revise training session content or presentation
style in accordance with evaluation findings.
Ø The model requires central monitoring to
ensure that sessions are in fact organised and conducted as planned.
Ø Staff selected for other skills may not be
effective trainers/presenters.
Ø Time period strictures may compress the
levels to the stage where small group advantages are lost.
Ø There is less control over quality and
consistency. The constant and effective monitoring required to ensure that the
correct messages are passed on in effective ways at each level of the pyramid may be beyond election
management body capacities.
Ø The model requires a longer training session - covering both voting
operations and training skills - for a
significant number (but a minority) of
staff who will, in turn, train others.
Ø Model requires availability of professional
trainers over a longer period.
Ø Depending on the number of teams that are affordable, it may not be
possible to maintain small participative training
groups if mobile teams are to cover all staff in the time available.
Ø Model has longer-term professional and accommodation costs for
Factors Affecting T & D for International Managers
All these following factors are responsible for
affecting training and development of international mangers.
I. Competition for Skilled Employees
There is greater competition for skilled employees
and this competition will increase as the baby boomer generation starts to
retire. It points out that the nonprofit sector managers a well educated
workforce with "strong project management and organizational skills."
These same skills are sought after by other sectors of the labour market for
international managers.
II. Attracting and Retaining Employees Becomes a Challenge
As competition for employees increases, attracting
and retaining employees will become a challenge."The opportunity to
develop and use one's skills and abilities is another important dimension of
'job quality', with relevant indicators including access to formal training,
opportunities for on the job learning, and prospects for promotion and career
III. Need for Additional Skills
Skills and Training in
the non profit Sector, one would expect a considerable share of
employees to say that skill requirements have been on the rise. This is indeed
the case." This is particularly true for professionals working in the
nonprofit sector.
IV. Funding for Employee Training and Development is a Concern
Adequate funding continues to be a concern. While
the need to use resources to provide international manager training and
development increases, the resources to do so may not be available. In fact,
funding for training and development may be one of the first items to be
eliminated in times of financial uncertainty.
V. Less Job Security
International manager in the sector have less job
security than they used to. People constantly hear that they can expect to have
many different employers and even different careers during their work life.
Given this message and its reality, employees are looking for employers who will
provide them with opportunities to develop transferable skills.
VI. Limited Opportunities for Advancement
Most organizations in the sector have a flat
organizational structure. This means that there is little room for promotion. International
managers and organizations need to embrace the idea that moving 'up' is not the
only way to be satisfied with one's work. An alternative is to create
challenges for international mangers in their current position or a similar
Guidelines of T & D for International Managers
In the event that an organization is short staffed,
managers, leaders, and executives must anticipate short handedness and prepare
for potential changes in the level of production and performance during the day
to day operations. Therefore, employers should develop a method for cross
training international managers that is cost effective, and not time consuming.
This step is a win for international managers and employers for the reason that
managers will prepare themselves to become more competitive and marketable. International
managers would have an advantage of learning a plethora of new skills that will
open the door for promotion opportunities.
In an effort to minimize the potential for errors
during production, employers should develop a comprehensive employee training
model that will explain the various job functions, roles and responsibilities
of each position, company policies and procedures, legal and regulatory
standards. During orientation, international manager would experience hands on
training, theoretical applications of the overall functionality of the
company's business practices in a class-room type setting.
The employer should encourage and emphasize the
need for linguistics. As a result of organizations in the United States
expanding their global marketability, natives in Hong Kong should make it a
mandatory practice to learn English as a second language and Spanish in an
effort to abolish the language barriers to produce effective communication and
to build strong alliances with other organizations, suppliers and distributors.
Advancement Workshop
Organizations must integrate a refresher course of
an international manager’s current skill set and introduce new programs,
computer software and new technological systems and begin retraining employees
on the new systems this method would be used as a tool to prevent change
resistance from employees.
Selection of Trainers for the T & D of International Managers

Total Training Solutions has a set of seven core
trainer competencies along with definitions and behavioral indicators for each.
The competencies are the foundation upon which trainer candidates are evaluated,
selected, and trained. These competencies can be used as is, or can be
customized to fit organization’s particular environment.
Trainer candidates will participate in a 45-60
minute interview with human resources. During this initial interview, candidates
will respond to behavior based questions that relate directly to the identified
trainer competencies. Total training solutions has behavior based interview
questions that align with the seven core trainer competencies, or the behavior based
questions can be adapted for customized competencies.
Part III – Candidate Presentations
All candidates who pass the behavior based interview
with HR will proceed to the next phase of the interview process the
presentation. The candidates will be required to present a 15-30 minutes
section of a training module to a panel of no more than four internal
interviewers. Total training solutions has a behavior based evaluation and
rating scale that allows interviewers to evaluate candidates on the seven core
trainer competencies. Like the behavior based interview, this evaluation can
also be adapted to align with customized competencies.
Based upon the results of the behavior based interview and the candidate presentations, the qualified candidates are selected and sent on to the next phase of the process – Train-the-Trainer Instruction.
Based upon the results of the behavior based interview and the candidate presentations, the qualified candidates are selected and sent on to the next phase of the process – Train-the-Trainer Instruction.
of Trainers
training solutions offers a 2-part process for training your trainers:
I – TTS Train the Trainer Course
Total training
solutions offers options for your train the trainer course to give your
internal trainers the essential skills to be successful.
Ø Train the Trainer: Essential skills for trainers provides a solid foundation for
trainers regarding training and learning processes and adult learning principles,
while also developing their communication, presentation, and classroom
management skills.
Ø Train the Trainer: For Computer based environments provides the same foundation for
trainers as our standard train the trainer course, with an added emphasis on
the unique challenges and strategies for training in a computer classroom and
virtual classroom.
Ø OJT Train the Trainer: Course is designed to equip your
employees with the necessary planning, presentation, and delivery skills for
effective on the job training.
II– Content Specific Train the Trainer Coaching
with your specific content, Total training solutions facilitates a second part
of the train the trainer process. TTS works closely with your trainers to help
them effectively facilitate the subject matter that they are responsible to
teach. By providing additional opportunities for practice, positive and
corrective feedback, and one on one coaching, TTS will help your trainers
achieve success in their assignments.
Total training solutions
offers train the trainer solutions to develop the facilitation and presentation
skills trainers need in order to deliver effective, dynamic training that
results in the transfer of knowledge and skills to the workplace. Whether your
need is to identify, select, and train in-house employees to assume training
responsibilities, or you are interested in enhancing the skills of your current
in house trainers, we have a solution to meet your needs.
Selection of International trainees
1. Review
of Candidates: Data on people with disabilities vary from country to
country. In some cases, the names of people with disabilities are available
from local or central government officials. Depending on the country, this
could be municipal or provincial authorities, or can be Ministry of Labour and
Social Welfare or Ministry of Health.
2. Pre-selection: Age and disability
must be verified. Ideally, ages should range between 20 - 35, although some
exceptions made in the past for younger and older candidates have proven
justified and rewarding through their dedication and success. Multiple disabled
people may have difficulties following a course because of limited mobility,
understanding and replicating potential. Candidates with basic literacy will
find the training course more enjoyable, theory classes more useful, easier to
understand and are generally more likely to succeed as entrepreneurs.
3. Diversity of Location: Following
a preliminary selection, a diversity of locations should be favored. This will
encourage future replication by trainees themselves who will have the
opportunity to train their community members. It will also help avoid market
4. Each Candidate Interviewed at Home:
Trainers must visit all short listed candidates at their home. Trainers must
verify that candidates have family support, community support and access to land
for the set up of a mushroom house following training. Trainees must be capable
of taking care of themselves during training.
5. Verification of Commitment:
Trainers must further verify the commitment of both family and potential
trainees as to their will and readiness to set up following training.
6. Verification of Motivation:
Trainers need to ensure that candidates are highly motivated for learning. This
can be verified by the fact that potential trainees personally.
7. Verification of Availability:
Trainers must make sure that the candidate is able, committed and ready to
leave home and learn for the duration of training. In case of multiple disabled
persons, a family member should accompany them.
8. Final Selection: Trainers must
sit together and discuss their visits by reviewing each candidate and deciding
whether or not a candidate should be selected, and give the reasons why. Final
selection can be made after reviewing all potential trainees.
Evaluation of T & D Program to International Managers
The process of examining a training
program is called training evaluation. Training evaluation
checks whether training has had the desired effect. Training evaluation
ensures that whether international manager are able to implement their
learning in their respective workplaces, or to the regular work routines.
Purposes of Training
five main purposes of training evaluation are:
It helps in giving feedback to the international manager by defining the
objectives and linking it to learning outcomes.
2. Research:
It helps in ascertaining the relationship between acquired knowledge, transfer
of knowledge at the work place, and training.

It helps in controlling the training
program because if the training is not effective, then it can be dealt
with accordingly.
Power games:
At times, the top management (higher authoritative employee) uses the
evaluative data to manipulate it for their own benefits.
It helps in determining that whether the actual outcomes are aligned with the
expected outcomes.
of Training Evaluation
Training: The learner's skills and knowledge are assessed
before the training program.
During the start of training, international manager generally perceive it as a
waste of resources because at most of the times managers are unaware of the
objectives and learning outcomes of the program. Once aware, they are asked to
give their opinions on the methods used and whether those methods confirm to
the candidates preferences and learning style.

During Training: It is the phase at which instruction is started. This phase usually consist of short tests at regular intervals.
After Training:
It is the phase when learner’s skills
and knowledge are assessed again to measure the effectiveness of the
training. This phase is designed to determine whether training has had the
desired effect at individual department and organizational levels. There are
various evaluation techniques for this phase.
Techniques of
The various methods of
training evaluation are:
- Observation
- Questionnaire
- Interview
- Self diaries
- Self recording of specific incidents
Training evaluation is
a continual and systematic process of assessing the value or potential value of
a training course, activity or event. Results of the evaluation
are used to guide decision-making around various components of
the training (e.g. instructional design, delivery, results) and it's
overall continuation, modification, or elimination.
Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation

The four-levels of
evaluation consist of
Ø Reaction
- how the learners react to the learning process
Ø Learning
- the extent to which the learners gain knowledge and skills
Ø Behavior
- capability to perform the learned skills while on the job
Ø Results
- includes such items as monetary, efficiency, moral, etc.
Training and
development is the tonic international managers need to enhance their
performance and potentials that will in turn enhance organization
effectiveness. Training
and Development is the framework for helping international manager to develop
their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. The focus
of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on developing the most superior
workforce so that the organization and international managers can accomplish
their work goals in service to customers.
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of international staff”, in Harzing,
A.W.K. and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds), International
Human Resource Management, Sage
Publications, London,
pp. 205-28.
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in organizations: a metaanalysis of design and evaluation features. J. Appl.
Psychol. 88:234–45
1. Defining training objectives should be based
a) Materials available
b) Trainers’
c) Needs of trainees
Trainers’ expectations
There are 4 levels in the most widely-used model to evaluate training. The
third level measures:
a) Reaction: Did
the participants like the training?
b) Behavior: Are the participants performing differently?
c) Learning:
What knowledge or skills did the participants retain?
Results: What is the impact of training?
3.-------------- aims to increase abilities in
relation to some future position or job, usually a managerial one.
a) Orientation
c) Development
e) Appraisal
international manager means learning skills and knowledge for
doing a particular job and increase skills required for a job.
a) Orientation
b) Training
c) Development
d) Management
e) Appraisal
5. The first step of training program is to---
a) Assess the program’s
successes or failures
b) Present the program
to a small test audience
c) Design the program
d) Conduct a need
e) Train the targeted
group of employees
6) On the job training can be accomplished through
the use of all of the following techniques except
a) Coaching
b) Programmed learning
c) Understudy
d) Job rotation
e) Special assignments
7. Which is the following
stages of instructional system development model (ISD) model; except….
a) Analysis
b) Planning
c) Execution
d) Design
e) Evaluation
8) Which on the job
training method is used for managerial position?
a) Job rotation
b) Coaching
c) Action learning
d) Outside seminars
e) All of the above
9) Which of the followings
are importance
of training of international manager; except
a) Faster Learning of New Skills
b) Decreased Productivity
c) Standardization of Procedures
d) Lesser
Need for Supervision
e) Increasing Confidence
10) Which of the following is not measured to
evaluate a training program?
a) Organizational
b) Partcipants’ reaction
to the program
c) What trainees learn
from the program
d) Changes in on the job
e) Training objective
1) c. 2) b. 3) c. 4) b. 5) d. 6) b. 7) d 8) e. 9)
b. 10) a.
a) Define training of international
How does training play important role of international manger?
Identify basic difference between training & development of international
2. a) What is the development of international
b) Describes the objective of
development of international executive?
c) Briefly describe the development
process of inernational manager?
a) What is the model of training &
development of international manger?
Describe any two model of training & development of international manger?
How does model can be applied in Bangladesh perspective describe your own view?
a) What are main factors of training & development of international
b) How does factors affecting T
& D of international managers?
c) Describe possible guidelines of
T & D of international mangers with your own view?
a) What do you mean trainers or trainees?
b) Describe the selection
procedures of trainers for the T & D
of international manager?
c) Briefly describe the evaluation
procedure of T & D program to internatrional manager?
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