

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Sole proprietorship is a simple and oldest form of business organization.  Its formation does
not require any complicated legal provision like registration etc.  It is a small-scale work, as it is
owned and controlled by one person, and operated for his profit.  It is also known as “sole
ownership”, “individual partnership” and “single proprietorship”.
Following are some important definition of sole proprietorship:
1. According to D.W.T. Staffod
“It is the simplest form of business organization, which is owned and controlled by one man.”
2. According to G. Baker
“Sole proprietorship is a business operated by one person to earn profit.”
Following are the main characteristics of sole proprietorship:
1. Capital
In sole proprietorship, the capital is normally provided by the owner himself.  However, if
additional capital is required, such capital can be increased by borrowing.
2. Easy Dissolution
The sole proprietorship can be easily dissolved, as there are no legal formalities involved in it.
3. Easily Transferable
Such type of business can easily be transferred to another person without any restriction.
4. Freedom of Action
In sole proprietorship, single owner is the sole master of the business, therefore, he has full
freedom to take action or decision.
5. Formation
Formation of sole proprietorship business is easy as compared to other business, because it
dos not require any kind of legal formality like registration etc.
6. Legal Entity
In sole proprietorship, the business has no separate legal entity apart from the sole traders.
7. Legal Restriction
There are no legal restrictions for sole traders to set up the business.  But there may be legal
restrictions for setting up a particular type of business.
8. Limited Life
The continuity of sole proprietorship is based on good health, or life or death of the sole owner.
9. Management
In sole proprietorship, the control of management of the business lies with the sole owner.
10. Ownership
The ownership of business in sole proprietorship is owned by one person.
11. Profit
The single owner bears full risk of business, therefore, he gets total benefit of the business as
well as total loss.
12. Size
The size of business is usually small.  The limited ability and capital do not allow the
expansion of business.
13. Success of Business
The success and goodwill of the sole proprietorship is totally dependent upon the ability of the
sole owner.
14. Secrecy
A sole proprietorship can easily maintain the secrecy of his business.
15. Unlimited Liability
A sole proprietor has unlimited liability.  In case of insolvency of business, even the personal
assets are used by the owner to pay off the debts and other liabilities.
Following are the advantages of sole proprietorship:
1. Contacted with the customers
In sole proprietorship a businessman has direct contact with the customer and keeps in mind
the like and dislikes of the public while producing his products.
2. Direct Relationship with Workers
In sole proprietorship a businessman has direct relationship with workers.  He can better
understand their problems and then tries to solve them.
3. Easy Formation
Its formation is very easy because there are not legal restrictions required like registration etc.
4. Easy Dissolution
Its dissolution is very simple because there are no legal restrictions required for its dissolution
and it can be dissolved at any time.
5. Easy Transfer of Ownership
A sole proprietorship can easily be transferred to other persons because of no legal restriction
6. Entire Profit
Sole proprietorship is the only form of business organization where the owner enjoys 100%
7. Entire Control
In sole proprietorship the entire control of the business is in the hands of one person.  He can
do whatever he likes.
8. Flexibility
There is great flexibility in sole proprietorship.  Business policies can easily be changed
according to the market conditions and demand of people.
9. Honesty
The sole master of the business performs his functions honesty and effitively to make the
business successful.
10. Independence
It is an independent form of business organization and there is no interference of any other
11. Personal Satisfaction
As all the Business activities are accomplished under the supervision of sole owner, so he
feels personal satisfaction that the business is running smoothly.
12. Prime Credit Standing
A sole proprietor can borrow money more easily because of unlimited liability.
13. Quick Decisions
Sole proprietor can make quick decisions for the development and welfare of his business and
in this way can save his time.
14. Personal Interest
A sole proprietor5 takes keen intere4st in the affairs of business because he alone is
responsible for profit and loss.
15. Saving in Interest on Borrowed Capital
Sometimes, a sole proprietor borrows money to increase his capital, from his relatives, without
16. Saving in Legal Expenses
As there are no legal restrictions for the formation of sole proprietorship so it helps in
increasing savings as legal expenses are reduced.
17. Saving in Management Expenses
The owner of the business himself performs most of the functions so it r educes the
management expenses.
18. Saving in Taxes
The tax rates are very low on sole proprietorship because it is imposed on the income of single
19. Secrecy
It is an important factor for the development of business.  A sole trader can easily maintain the
secrecy about the techniques of production and profit.
20. Social Benefits
It is helpful in solving many social problems like unemployment etc.

The disadvantages of sole proprietorship can be narrated as under:
1. Continuity
The continuity of sole proprietorship depends upon the health and life of the owner.  In case of
death of the owner the business no longer continues.
2. Chances of Fraud
In sole proprietorship, proper records are not maintained.  This increases the chances of
errors and frauds for dishonest workers.
3. Expansion Difficulty
In sole proprietorship, it is very difficult to expand the business because of the limited life of
proprietor and limited capital.
4. Lack of Advertisement
As the sources of single person are limited so he cannot bear the expense of advertisement,
which is also a major disadvantage.
5. Lack of Capital
Generally, one-man resources are limited, so due to financial problems he cannot expand his
6. Lack of Inspection and Audit
In sole proprietorship there is lack of inspection and audit, which increases the chances of
fraud and illegal operations.
7. Lack of Innovation
Due to fear of suffering from loss, a sole proprietor does not use new methods of production.
So, there is no invention or innovation.
8. Lack of Public Confidence
The public shows less confidence in this type of business organization because there is no
legal registration to control and wind up the business.
9. Lack of Skilled Persons
One person cannot hire the ser4vices of qualified and skilled persons because he has limited
resources.  It is also a great disadvantage.
10. Management Difficulty
One person cannot perform all types of duties effectively.  If he is a good accountant, he may
not be a good administrator.  Due to this, business suffers a loss.
11. Much Strain on Health
In this type of business organization there is much strain on the health of the businessman
because he alone handles all sorts of activities.
12. Not Durable
This type of business organization is not durable because its existence depends upon the life
of sole proprietor.
13. Permanent Existence
In this type of business there is a need of permanent existence of a businessman.  In case of
absence from business for few days may become the cause of loss.
14. Risk of Careless Drawings
In sole proprietorship owner himself is a boss.  There is no question to his decisions or
actions.  So, there is a risk of careless drawings by him.
15. Risk of Loss
In case of sole proprietorship a single person bears all the losses, whereas in the case of
partnership or Joint Stock Company all the partners or members bear the loss.
16. Unlimited Liability
In sole proprietorship there is unlimited liability.  It means, in case of loss personal property of
the owner can be sold to satisfy the claimants.  It is a great disadvantage.
From the above-mentioned detail, we come to the point that despite the above disadvantages,
sole proprietorship is an important form of business organization.  This is due to the fact that
its formation is very easy and due to unlimited liability the owner takes great care and interest
in the business, because in case of loss, he is personally responsible.  As he enjoys entire
profit, this factor also encourages him to work with great efficiency which promotes his

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