

Thursday, June 19, 2014


An assignment
 (Chapter- 10)
“An assignment is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the course International Human Resource Management”

Course code: HRM-612

Submitted to:
Professor Dr.M.Ataur Rahman
(Director, evening MBA, DU)
Course instructor, MBA program, MIU

Submitted by:
Md. Sojibur Rahman

 March 19, 2013

Masters of Business Administration
Manarat International University (MIU), Dhaka


At first we would like to thank our honorable course coordinator Dr.M.Ataur Rahman to assign us for the topic ‘performance management of international employees’ as class assignment.  We know, performance management is the important and very crucial managerial action for any regional or multinational company but we did it as theoretical essence by providing some knowledge and information about this managerial action as the title ‘performance management for international employees’. So we are really proud to continue this task by directly supervision under him with respect wishes to his long live and we further hope that any error during this assignment done that he will forgive us.

Page no.
Introduction of performance management
Meaning of performance management
Basic components of performance management
Variables/factors influencing on international employees performance management
Roles of international employees in performance management
Job analysis in performance management
Performance appraisal in performance management
Training and development for international employees
Contextual model of expatriate performance management
Model questions
References and links essence

Performance management is the process that enables multinational companies to evaluate & continuously improve individual, subsidiary unit & corporate performance. This is against clearly defined, pre-set goals & targets. Employees are employed from several places like: PCN, TCN, and HCN for international or multinational company. That’s why they have to be treated with several matters, for language, cultural differentiations, geographical cop-up, political concern for performing as well in any multinational company. Multinational companies or international companies employees performance management is really quite complex than domestic companies performance management cause there also have to face international barriers, laws, government’s restrictions, political issues, new environment, cultural, language problems and also family transferring problems. So there has discussed about performance management meaning from different views, it’s relationship with performance appraisal, model of contextual system for expatriate, variables may effect to international employees performance and roles of international employees.

Meaning of Performance management:
Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. It is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed. It ends when an employee leaves organization.
According to scholars:
-          “Performance Management is a means of getting better results from organizations, teams and individuals within an agreed framework of planned goals, objectives and standards”.
                                                                                                         - ARMSTRONG AND MURLIS
-          “The essence of performance management is the development of individuals with competence and commitment, working towards the achievement of shared meaningful objectives within an organization which supports and encourages their achievement”.
 Definition:                                                                                                       - LOCKETT
-          “Performance management for international employees means evaluating their performance for duration with the standard tools of measurement system considering every influencing factor and taking improvement actions on performance in international market”.
                                                                                                                               -MD.NUR HOSEN

·         Comparing performance appraisal and performance management:
-          Performance appraisal: It is an evaluating system of employees present and past performance according to the standard for which they are assigned during a fixed time.
-          Performance management: It is the whole processes which consolidate employees’ performance according to goal setting which is ensuring that employees performance supporting to company’s ultimate strategic goals toward bring aimed success as ultimate result.
So, performance management is the managerial system of employees performance to accumulate their performance for bring company’s goal by taking such performance appraisal.
Basic components of performance management:
Performance management is related with strategically goal of company in international market, there have to correlation with employees participations and target standard if fail anywhere lack of according to their actual expectation then have to take proper improvement action providing proper training and development programs. So there have some components which are really essentials a manager to manage employees’ performance, like:


Multinational’s global strategies and goals:
Human resource manager always try to match correlation with company’s strategies and employees present performance in foreign region which are measured by setting standard portion of performance including it’s
-          Vision,
-          Mission,
-          Values, and also
-          Strategies.

Subsidiary goals:
·         Following the Mission Statement: companies adopt a mission statement that reflects the company’s values, vision and goals. This statement governs how employees conduct themselves when representing the company it also shows consumers what is important to the company in the foreign or international market.
·         Setting Organizational Goals: Setting company goals is always challenging but even more so for a subsidiary manager. The needs of the parent company typically outweigh those of the child, but the manager has to consider both when setting goals. Increasing revenue is a popular goal for most businesses, but in the case of a subsidiary there may be an alternative function. Managers may find themselves at odds with the overall goals.

·         Financial Reporting: Financial reporting for a subsidiary can sometimes be tricky. Parent companies sometimes create subsidiaries to camouflage a nonrevenue producing component of the company. In this way, the losses are not as overt on the primary balance sheet. Many parent companies use subsidiaries to hide expenses that would normally appear on their balance sheets. While this is not necessarily illegal, it can sometimes lead to catastrophic results if continued for a long period, as was the case with Enron. A subsidiary manager needs to make sure that the financial reporting follows acceptable accounting practices. In most cases, the subsidiary's financials are separate from the parent companies and appear as a footnote on the shareholders' annual statements.

·         Employee Considerations: Employees working for a subsidiary may sometimes feel overshadowed by their counterparts in the parent organization. This is especially true in situations where the subsidiary has low grossing revenue. Depending on the parent company’s involvement, employees may be left out of perks given to those working for the parent company. This can cause disgruntlement among workers, which a manager must contend with. The challenge for the manager is to help the employees understand that while they are a part of the parent company’s overall organization, they are a separate business entity and not necessarily privy to the parental rewards.

Variables/factors effect on employees (PCN, TCN, HCN) performance management:

Variables/factors effect on international employees’ performance
Performance management
(PCN, TCN, HCN) employees

Cultural adjustment-self & family
Head office support
Compensation package

Text Box: Expatriate performance

·         Cultural adjustment:
-          Lack of ability to speak the host national language
-          Lack of understanding of the host national culture
-          Integrating information and business practices from various cultural sources
-          Inadequate transfer of technical concepts and expertise
-          Working effectively in the host country
-          Communicating and relating with host nationals
-          Difficulty getting along with host nationals
-          Find it difficult to effectively report to host national leaders and team mates
-          Inadequate salary
-          Poorly motivated co-workers
-          Conflicts with host nationals
-          Living conditions
-          Organizational stressors
-          Working overtime
-          Lack of recognition for good work
-          Performing tasks not in job description
-          Assignment of increased responsibility
-          Insufficient personnel to handle an assignment
-          Poor or inadequate supervision
-           Insufficient personal time
·         Tasks:
Expatriates are assigned to foreign operations to fulfill specific tasks like:
-          As the chief executive officer or subsidiary manager: who observe the foreign operations.
-          The structure producers: Who carry the assignment of building or reproducing in a foreign subsidiary a structure similar from others company. There build marketing framework, implementing accounting and financing reporting system or establishing the production plan aging newly.
-          As troubleshooter: who assigned for problem solution.
-          The operative: Assigned for operational job, etc.
·         Headquarter supports:
-          By financially
-          Required accommodations
-          Family carrying out with
-          Information provide about culture
-          Pre-training provide for language, environment cop-up
-          Geographical knowledge provide
-          Political support managing in host country etc.

·         Host environment:
Environment fall great impact on any job which becomes primary importance for expatriate management in international context with it’s:
-          Different societal
-          Legal
-          Economical
-          Technical and physical demands
-          Company’s strategies in international environment etc.
·         Cultural adjustment: Difficulties with:
-          New environment: Impact on employees’ performance.
-          Foreign cultures and customs, beliefs, behaviors etc.

Roles of international employees (individual PCN, TCN, HCN) in performance management:
PCN role conception
Communicates role conception


Cultural boundary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Host country stakeholders (role senders)

TCN role conception

Cultural boundary communicates role conception


Cultural boundary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TCN manager’s role



HCN Role Conception


Job analysis in performance management:
It is the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. There need as much data as possible to put together a job description, which is the frequent outcome of the job analysis. Additional outcomes include recruiting plans, position postings and advertisements, and performance development planning within company’s   performance management system.
The job analysis may include these main activities:
·         Reviewing job responsibilities: Reviewing the job responsibilities of current employees,
·         Research job descriptions:  Doing Internet research and viewing sample job descriptions online or offline highlighting similar jobs,
·         Analyzing:  The work duties, tasks, and responsibilities that need to be accomplished by the employee filling the position,
·         Researching sharing : Researching and sharing with other companies that have similar jobs, and
·         Articulation outcomes: Articulation of the most important outcomes or contributions needed from the position.
Performance appraisal in performance management:
Performance appraisal is the process by which a manager or consultant  examines and evaluates an employee's work behavior by comparing it with preset standards, documents the results of the comparison, and  uses the results to provide feedback to the employee to show where improvements are needed and why.

·          Performance Appraisal and Performance Management correlation:

 Performance appraisal: Is sets job standards and evaluates past performance based on such           set standards.

 Performance management:
-          Whereas performance management aims at managing performance real-time to ensure performance reaches the desired levels.
-          Performance management is the traditional approach to evaluating the performance of an employee. The increased competitive nature of the economy and rapid changes in the external environment has forced many organizations to shift from reactive performance appraisals to the proactive performance management to boost productivity and improve organizational performance.
The basic relation of both performance appraisals and performance management entail setting performance targets, reviewing the achievement of targets, and devising ways to enable employees to meet targets. Both these systems establish clear expectations on what an employee is expected to do, set the guidelines on what constitutes successful job performance, and strive to identify barriers to effective performance.
Steps of performance appraisal:
Six steps of performance appraisal, like:

1.      Establish a File

Managers to be effective and help employees develop skills and capabilities, essential to begin the performance management process on the employee. Create a file for each employee and record the accomplishments, areas for improvement and regular feedback throughout the year.

2.      Provide Regular Feedback

Regular feedback should occur at least once each quarter and more frequently if an employee needs encouragement or motivation. The performance management process starts with employee planning and ends with an evaluation of employee progress. Managers and employees should meet to discuss planning and goals throughout the year. If possible, formally sitting down with supervisor or manager on a quarterly basis is optimal. The process, at its best, is a collaborative one which should add value for both the employee and the employer. Employees thrive on feedback because it ensures they are performing job duties and responsibilities according to the company expectations. The feedback can be given in a casual manner, provided the topic of the feedback is suitable for a casual meeting. Always document any feedback provide to employees, even if it just to say great job.

3.      Discipline Issues

Employees may engage in behavior that warrants disciplinary action. The company procedure for addressing discipline should include a requirement to document every disciplinary action taken. All disciplinary issues and improvements are taken into account during the annual performance appraisal meeting.

4.      Management by Objectives (MBO)

It’s used for some employees who have defined goals and steps to achieve each goal. These MBOs really should be reviewed quarterly to track progress or redefine the goal if manager see neither enough progress. MBOs are also particularly helpful to employees who are on a professional career track within the company.

5.      Conduct the Appraisal Meeting

As the time nears for scheduling the appraisal meeting, begin preparing the performance appraisal document. Many companies have lengthy forms that require managers to record relatively detailed information about the employees’ performance in all areas of the job. Performance is rated in areas such as:
-          Job proficiency,
-          Interpersonal relationships
-          Communication skills and
-          Aptitude.
Some employers consider employee self-evaluations. In these cases, the employee should prepare comments about performance during the past year. Both the manager and the employee should feel comfortable during the appraisal meeting. Tension will just make the meeting agenda much more difficult and uncomfortable than it needs to be.

6.      Follow Up Action

After the performance appraisal meeting, there will likely be follow up matters such as:
-          Discussing areas for improvement,
-           Establishing goals for the next year and confirming employees’ salary or wage increase.
-           In addition, the manager and employee may schedule another time to discuss irresolvable issues that arise during the performance appraisal meeting.
Training and development for international employees:
Employee Training and Development is a key ingredient in performance improvement. This is essential to the ongoing success of every international organization.  Although technology and the internet have enabled global collaboration and competition, people are the organization’s competitive advantage.  Employee training and development enables employees to develop skills and competencies necessary to enhance bottom-line results for their organization.
Key steps for performance improvement by training and development:
1.       Assess and define performance improvement issues and gaps
2.       Gain management commitment for performance improvement
3.       Develop a business plan to manage performance improvement
4.       Establish best practices for work processes and performance standards
5.       Provide employee training and development to develop required skills
6.       Establish new practices that support improved performance
7.       Measure and monitor results and provide coaching where needed
So, Essential skills for many organizations include effective time management, effective communication, collaboration, project management, customer service, teamwork, and specialized technology skills and lost productivity due to training gaps is expensive. A targeted training and development program focused on strategic skills can significantly enhance profits quickly for an international organization and business. 

Contextual Model of Expatriate Performance Management:
Taking a grounded theory approach and using qualitative case methodology, Tahbanainen explored the international, domestic and organizational context in which expatriate performance management occurred within the multinational company, which has shown bellow:

·         Domestic context
National culture in the host and the home country: Here indicate that cultural matching or differentiations with host country and home country, which understanding help to expatriate to cop-up in the international level out of home country.

·         Organizational context:
o   Nature of the job and organizational structure: It means pattern of the business, either manufacturing type or service type business and how much it has relatively coexist in out of the national boundary.
o   Stages of international business operations: That means in which stage the company’s business remain like: at introducing/ growth/maturity/declining position. Cause manager have to take decision according to business position always.
o   Daily management: Those activities managers are dealing on daily basis regularly that should be clearly clarified. There managers activities may around bellow matters like:
-          Company’s strategy and goals
-          Performance evaluation within a fixed time
-          Clarifying of performance expectations
-          Training and development
-          Performance related pay etc continuous activities have to deal manager
·         International context:
Maturity level of the company operations in the host country: Here have to see
-          Target business duration of the company in the foreighn country
-          Then have to choose expatriate for that duration exactly by assessing the time of operation period.
-          And expatriate will be assigned for that fixed period of time according to company’s targeted business duration in the international market.
So, based on overall three contexts of organizational, domestic and international context the expatriate performance should be managed by evaluating with a standard performance management and evaluating system.

Model questions:
o   What is the purpose of performance management---?
¨  To manage employees performance
¨  Matching with performance stander
¨  Tracking employees towards the company’s goal
þ  All above

o   MBO is the ---- of performance management system.
¨  Definition
¨  system
þ  Method
¨  Component

o   Performance management is done by comparing with-----.
þ  Standard measurement.
¨  Tools
¨  Techniques
¨  components
o   Performance is evaluated after ending a ------ of employees’ works.
¨  Year
¨  Month
¨  Weak
þ  Duration
o   Job analysis is the ----- during performance management for international employees.
þ  Crucial matter
¨  Less important issue
¨  Hampering issue in evaluation
¨  Technical issue

o   PCN, TCN, HCN are employees for which type of business?
¨  International business
¨  Home country’s business
¨  Multiannual business
þ  Both of above
o   Performance management is done by------.
¨  Managing director
¨  Regional manager
¨  Financial manager
þ  Human resource manager
o   Performance management is the management of employees working output for ------ themselves within working environment.
þ  Motivating
¨  Creating pressure
¨  Downsizing
o   Expatriate is the assigned personnel for multinational company who work as------- out of country.
þ  Employee
¨  Manager
¨  Subordinate
¨  Humane resource manager
o   Expatriate does performance management for international company.
¨  True
þ  False

References and links essence:
·         Dowling, P.J & Welch, Denice E. “International human resource management”. Thomson business information Indea Fourth edition-2006.
·         Dessler,Gary (Florida International University). Human Resource management. 10th edition, printing by prentice hall of india private limited-new delhi-110 001.
·         Burney, Adele. Journal: Different challenges for a manager of a subsidiary. Demand Media. (Link:
·         Presentation on performance management (Link:
·         The Rothschild Corporation, wining leadership solution, “Employee Training and Development” link(
·         Mayhew, Ruth & Demand Media, “Six Steps of the Performance Appraisal Process”. Link (

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