

Monday, June 23, 2014

Mid-Term &Final Question's of Entrepreneurship Development

Department of Business Administration (DBA)
Program: BBA. Semester: Fall-2007. Section: M1, M2 & F
Mid-Term Examination-2007
Course Code: Bus 401. Course Title: Entrepreneurship Development
Time-(20 min. +1.10 hrs) =01.30 hrs.                                            Full Marks- (20+10) =30  
                                                                                                                                                                              PART-B                                                                     (2x5.0=10)

1. (a) How can you define Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship?                                                              01
   (b) What is the significance of Entrepreneurship for economic development of a country?                01                             
   (c) State any two types of Entrepreneur, classified by Mr. Clarence Danhor.                                     01
   (d) Present in a table the major points of distinctions between an Entrepreneur & a Manager.         02

2. (a) Mr. Frederick Harbison has enumerated a no. of functions of a Women Entrepreneur. State                                                              those functions.                                                                                                                                                           01
    (b) Women Entrepreneurs encounter various kinds of problems. State the last four ones.                 01
    (c) The need for Rural Entrepreneurship for developing industries in the rural areas is imbued                          with multiplicity of justifications. List those justifications.                                                                                                                             01  
    (d) The role of NGOs in entrepreneurship development can better be understood in terms of their              Strengths & Weaknesses in the context of economic development. State those.                                                                                                                                                                         02

3. (a) State the Achievement Motivation Theory of entrepreneurship.                                                  01
    (b) Mention the attributes of a creative person identified by Mr. Roe and Mr. Reudsepp. 01                                                                     
    (d) According to Mr. Kao, an organisation can enhance and encourage creativity by taking many                 steps. What are those?                                                                                                                                       01
    (c) Is/are there any difference(s) between an Entrepreneur and a Creative Person.                          02

Department of Business Administration (DBA)
Program: BBA. Semester: Fall-2007. Section: M1, M2 & F
Final Examination-2007
Course Code: Bus 401. Course Title: Entrepreneurship Development
Time-(25 min. +2.35 hrs) =03 hrs.                                                         Full Marks- (25+25) =50  
                                                                                                                                                                      PART-B                                                                                  25
[Questions from number one to nine are of equal marks. Answer any nine questions including number ten. Answer chronologically.]
01. Define Entrepreneurship. Explain the usefulness of the three activities involved in the Entrepreneurship Development Cycle.                                                                                                                             
02. “There is a paramount importance of developing entrepreneurship in a series of sequential steps” What are those steps? State second and fourth one of those steps.                                                      
03. What is meant by Technology Park? How technology is transferred through Technology Park?       
04. What is Business Plan? Why it is important? State some uses of a Business Plan.                             
05. “In order to write a winning Business Plan, one should keep in mind a number of aspects” What are those aspects? State first six aspects.                                                                                                     
06. Define Small Scale Industries/Enterprises (SSI/SSE). “Small scale industries serve as seedbed of entrepreneurship development”- Explain.                                                                                             
07. What are the problems in developing SSIs in Bangladesh? Find out the measures for solving those problems.                                                                                                                 
08. As a student of Business Administration why should you study Entrepreneurship Development course? 
09. Write down the full meanings of the following acronyms:                                                       (i) BCSIR           (II) BHGEC       (III) BMRE        (IV) DSW          (V) GATT         
      (VI) KAFCO      (VII) MIDAS     (VIII) SME        (IX) UKSPA      (X) WED   
10. Write short note on “Hazi Abdul Malek: A Successful Entrepreneur.”    

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